Goodbye Beautiful Ruth

February 23, 2015 aliciafox portrait 0 comments


Even with warning of the possibility, the death of a friend is always devastating and utterly unfathomable.


There are some people who are so full of life and spirit that you can’t imagine the world continuing without them once they are gone.  This is Ruth.


I met Ruth at the beginning of a beautiful winter in the mountains of Northern California.  That season I got to know this remarkable human being who was forging her own pathway, of kindness, fulfillment and self exploration; gathering friends and admirers along the way.


Ruth left this earth plane this week.  The news left me feeling devastated, helpless and disbelieving, and I had to re-read messages of grief on Facebook four times before I could really accept the truth.  Although we lived on opposite sides of the globe, Ruth’s larger than life energy made her feel always close by, and despite not having seen her face to face in over 3 years, she still popped up in my thoughts often.


I am sharing this post for Ruth’s loved ones, through these photos and words to let you know that I am yet another of so many her loved this woman and admired her amazing spirit.

10 Happy Ruth Memories

  1. Stripping off with you after a hard days work and running into the icy dam
  2. Your distinctive bangs.  I love how Americans can a fringe “bangs”.  Just last week I cut a fringe and when James (my finance) came home and saw me he said, in an American accent “I love your bangs”.  We both instantly thought of you.
  3. Your honesty. You were so genuine and kind.  You would make honest (sometimes confronting) observations and our friends would jokingly reply (as often as possible) with “Woah, that’s ruthless”.
  4. You introduced me to drinking tea out of mason jars.  I think about you every time I see a mason jar.  Speaking of mason jars, you introduced me to canning, and preserving fruits and veges.  This weekend I dedicated my chilli sauce canning session to you
  5. Your strong morals.  A feminist with no need for a bra, make up or shaving your armpits.  Somehow you always looked striking.
  6. Your strong sense of style.  You could literally turn a scrap of fabric into a flattering skirt or top.  A couple of weeks ago, inspired by what you taught me, I re-invented an old shirt of my brother’s.  James was impressed, saying “Where did you learn how to do that?”.
    “Ruth” I replied.
  7. Cooking gluten free, vegetarian pizzas with you.  Best feast ever.
  8. Your love of music.  Listening to (super sexist) gangster rap, you said, “I know I shouldn’t like this music.  But it’s just so good!”
  9. The beautiful people you connected me with.  You attract outstanding humans, a truly special gift, and now I can see the huge network of people mourning the loss of you.
  10. Your philosophical and positive outlook, and strong spirit.  In the last precious message I will ever received from you, you wrote “I’m slowly getting the hang of this new reality. My body and I are having such an intense exchange and my mind is just trying to catch up. But my plan is: new challenges=new heights. and I am fully aware ‘that life happens while you’re making plans’. Strange and beautiful world.


You’ll forever be in our hearts Beautiful Ruth!



The photos below are from Halloween, Thanksgiving and in between. 



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About the Author

Alicia Fox is a professional portrait, travel, fashion and NGO photographer. She lives in Crescent Head NSW, working locally and internationally with ethically focused organisations to create beautiful photographs.