This week I had my first sale through ETSY delivered to a very happy customer. Check out my photos for sale, especially if you are looking to decorate your walls or give a special gift. International delivery is available. “I received the print & I LOVE it! I’m taking it to the framer on Monday & can’t wait to get it back & hang it up. My husband & I recently bought a new house & Cloud Forest will be the centerpiece of our dining room.” Read More
Cartagena is a beautiful, colonial town in the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. We arrived at night to the sounds of Cuban-infused jazz drifting through the warm, heavy air. There were kids playing football in the street, vendors selling maize bread and friendly men offering us water, marijuana, cocaine… Inside the walls sits an elegant city centre, where we wandered the quiet streets and took in the Cartagena in all her beauty. Beautiful negra women sell fruit in the traditional dress of the area. The climate makes for a slow lifestyle with a lot of sitting around and sleeping in the shade of the city streets or gardens. One of the entrances to the walled city, this archway is about 5 metres thick. The traditional mixed with the modern. You can buy anything from local handicrafts from the artisanas on the footpath, to the latest fashions in air conditioned boutiques. Read More
Taganga is a fishing village, we recently visited, on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. The sleepy town is centred around the beach front where cabanas and palm trees look over children playing in the tropical waters. Half of the beach is dominated by modest fishing boats, while the other half is (unfortunately) dominated by plastic bags and soft drink bottles. However, I seemed to be the only one who noticed the trash, everyone else swam through it with a big caribbean smile. I’m not sure what’s going on in Colombia, but we were surrounded by babies. Human, puppy, kitten, calf. This kitten reminded me of E.T. with it’s big eyes and bony body. This is my boyfriend, James, getting to know her. I think it’s super cute. Read More
James and I have an article in the latest Concrete Wave magazine. Check it out if you live in Canada (and some other lucky countries) or check out the story online at / Read More
James and I have an article in this month’s issue of Surfing World magazine (Australia). The issue is ‘The Design Issue’. Our article is about an inspired and talented surf board shaper in Japan, who has a dream to grow his own surfboard. Ono is working with hemp fibres for a unique and environmentally friendly alternative to the highly synthetic boards that currently dominate the market. Read More
I have added a new page to my blog, Chugchilan in 30 Days. Chugchilan is the little village I am currently living in. There is no bank, no post office and no noise. There is a whole lot of charm, culture and natural beauty. Just click on the tab at the top of the page to take a step into the Andes of Ecuador. You can also get a written perspective of the village on my partner James’ blog. Read More
My boyfriend James is on a mission to recycle everything possible. While in Peru, he designed a funky wallet that can be made from used milk, juice or wine 1 litre cartons. He taught some local kids how to recycle the cartons into wallets, and he started a 1-man factory in our apartment where he created wallets from the piles of cartons which were donated. All wallets come from either Peru or Ecuador, with a variety of images and writing in Español. These wallets will be for sale. If you want some early inside info, send me an email at Here are some shots of James teaching children at the C.E.P school in Huanchaco, Peru, how to make the wallets. Read More
The sunsets in Huanchaco were stunning. Here are a couple of silhouette shots that I took during my last few days in Huanchaco. Read More
I stepped out of an ancient VW combi and watched the dump dwellers sort through garbage outside their home. I felt compelled to walk over and talk to them.... Read More
There is a new mini ramp for the kids of the little town where we were living in Peru. Two months ago, it hadn’t even been thought of... Read More
This morning as I walked along my now local beach here in Peru, I was shocked to come across the head and tail of a dolphin. The decapitated animal looked as if was still smiling – just as they do at Seaworld and other marine parks. These photos will be used by an amazing organisation in Peru, Mundo Azul, which is working to protect Peru's beautiful cetaceans. Read More
NGO Photographer in Peru. Fotógrafo de las ONG en el Perú Read More
After 6 amazing and intense months in the east, I have left my temporary home of Japan and headed to new shores... Read More
Today, 11 Sept 2009, the first article that James and I worked on together will be published in ‘The Australian’ newspaper. If you are in Australia you can look in the special Japanese travel section to read our article about the beautiful Hanami Season that we were fortunate to experience during our first week in Japan, back in April. You can read the online version of the article (written by James) here. Read More
Our Niijima article that was printed in the July issue of Outdoor Japan magazine is now up online. You can take a look at The Outdoor Japan Website. Read More
Here are some behind-the-scenes shots from the kimono shoot I did on Sunday. Naomi, the stylist is a professional kimono dresser in Tokyo. I now understand why you need a license to dress kimonos – the number of layers required, and the skill involved in all the folding and tying is phenomenal. Shoko did a great job assisting Naomi (and me) and Hideyuki did a wonderful job on Aya’s hair and make up. The first theme was sporty, and the styling included wired shoelaces in Aya’s hair and Nike high top sneakers. The second merged Chinese and Japanese traditional styles to create a uniquely classic look. With two sets of make up, hair and kimono, it was a long day but we all had a lot of fun and I’m really happy with the photos we finished with. (Wherever you are in Tokyo, there are always onlookers) Read More
During our second week in Japan, James and I took a short trip to an amazingly beautiful island not far from Tokyo. Niijima Island was like a dream – clear waters with empty waves, quaint village streets and the most wonderful outdoor onsen (natural, hot water spring) which overlooked the waves crashing below. We were so inspired that we decided it was the perfect subject to do our first collaboration together – I took the photos and James wrote the article. We submitted it to Outdoor Japan magazine and we ended up getting an 8 page spread, and the front cover. It’s a nice start to our journalistic adventures. Outdoor Japan Magazine website Read More
Last Sunday I was sipping on a $25 cup of herbal tea at one of Tokyo’s finest hotels, as I waited for my models and stylist to arrive for a swimwear shoot. Within less than 24 hours, I had headed down the coast to a farming town and found myself up to my shins in mud in a rice field, as I began my first WWOOFing experience on an organic/natural farm. Traveling provides me with opportunities to be completely diverse, random and extreme, and I can follow a path to wherever my life takes me. Of course I could be living like this at home as well, but for some reason I feel freer when I’m on the road. And that is one of the reasons why I plan to spend the next 2-3 years exploring the world. Pic: This is Nao, one of my farming friends. Technical: I shot this with a Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens, at f/2.8 @ 1/100sec. I chose the wide aperture to blur the edge of her hat, and the background. In post production in Adobe Bridge, I used a split toning effect to give the image a slightly old fashioned, yellow tone. I used […] Read More
Yesterday I had an amazing day in Tokyo, meeting a whole lot of interesting young people. They have a lot to say to the world, and they choose to do say it through the way they dress. Many of the teenagers here spend six days a week at school, after school club sports and study classes. Sunday is their only day off and they choose to express their individuality through extreme dress. A lot of the costumes are based on anime characters. Animation is unbelievably popular in Japan, amongst children, teenagers and adults. Kids in Harajuku, Tokyo ‘become’ their characters once a week, and hang around other people doing the same – From cute dolls with pink hair, to gothic-like characters covered in piercings. Anything goes! -Alicia Read More