Fashion is a fun industry to work in. It’s fun to wear, it’s fun to style and it’s fun to photograph.
For me, it’s very important to make sure the fashion I’m involved in is “clean” – good for the environment and good for the fashion industry workers, ie. Environmentally and socially sustainable.
Following recent disasters like the Rana Plaza Disaster, in which thousands of garment workers in Bangladesh were killed and injured, and yesterday’s footwear factory fire in the Philiipines in which 72 were killed, the industry is shifting and consumers are beginning to demand more transparency of the supply chain and more ethical fashion industry practices. Fashion Revolution is one organisation doing amazing things to advance this important movement.
Photography plays a major role in promoting sales of products in the fashion industry. Being an Eco Photographer is important to me. It means I support the ethical brands that are part of this fashion revolution. These are often new, grass roots labels who are building a name for themselves from the ground up.
Australian sunglasses brand, Chief Eyewear are one such brand that I had the pleasure of working with. Their bamboo sunglasses are high quality and eco friendly, and they donate $5 from every sale to charity organisations. The more we support companies like this, the better opportunity we all have to live in a world where our purchasing decisions can actually make the world a better place for everyone.
I photographed the models wearing Chief Eyewear sunnies around my beautiful new hometown – areas of Port Macquarie and Crescent Head, where there are endless pristine locations to choose from.
You can read more about why I am an “Eco Photographer” on a previous blog post here: