Getting Inspired

James and I were looking for inspiration for our next article submission, so we jumped on the local train and headed down the coast to Onjuka. We walked from the quite train station, past streets of deserted houses in overgrown yards, to a beach of half white and half black sand. The coastal holiday town was deserted on this windy Sunday afternoon, all except for a few keen surfers who took their longboards out on the completely flat ocean (and I’m not exaggerating. We watched the ocean for about half and hour and not a single ripple came through).

Thankfully, we were more successful on our mission than the local surfers, and the change of scenery gave us inspiration for a great photo article….I’ll tell you all about it once it’s been published.

About the Author

Alicia Fox is a professional portrait, travel, fashion and NGO photographer. She lives in Crescent Head NSW, working locally and internationally with ethically focused organisations to create beautiful photographs.