Taganga, Colombia

Taganga is a fishing village, we recently visited, on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. The sleepy town is centred around the beach front where cabanas and palm trees look over children playing in the tropical waters. Half of the beach is dominated by modest fishing boats, while the other half is (unfortunately) dominated by plastic bags and soft drink bottles. However, I seemed to be the only one who noticed the trash, everyone else swam through it with a big caribbean smile.

I’m not sure what’s going on in Colombia, but we were surrounded by babies. Human, puppy, kitten, calf. This kitten reminded me of E.T. with it’s big eyes and bony body. This is my boyfriend, James, getting to know her. I think it’s super cute.

About the Author

Alicia Fox is a professional portrait, travel, fashion and NGO photographer. She lives in Crescent Head NSW, working locally and internationally with ethically focused organisations to create beautiful photographs.