Vivienne Westwood’s New Memoir, “Get a Life”

Vivienne Westwood is a big inspiration to me.  She is passionate, dedicated, ruthless and talented.  Vivienne is an unusual mix of things – fashion designer, political activist and punk pioneer.  She doesn’t fit into any stereotype, which makes her a fascinating person to read about.


I was thrilled to receive a parcel from Profile Books in London, opening the packaging to reveal  Vivienne’s new book, GET A LIFE! The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood, and seeing my photos on the pages inside.


Vivienne and I are both fervent supporters of Cool Earth, a UK charity which is saving rainforest in Papua New Guinea, Peru, and D.R.Congo.  Over half the world’s rainforest has been lost over the past 40 years, so something big must be done.  I have worked with Cool Earth, photographing their amazing projects in Peru and PNG and seen for myself how effective their work is, changing the future of the rainforest and improving the lives of the indigenous groups that live there.


Vivienne Westwood also visited Cool Earth’s projects, deep in the Amazon region.  She wrote about this, amongst many other experiences, in these diaries.


GET A LIFE! The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood

I’m thrilled to have my photos from The Amazon included in “GET A LIFE!  The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood”


GET A LIFE! The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood

Cladys, one of the gorgeous little girls that accompanied me (and Vivienne) in the Ashaninka Villages, Peru


Cool Earth in GET A LIFE! The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood

Matt from Cool Earth and Dillwyn from Eco Tribal, singing an agreement with Cesar, on behalf of The Ashaninka.  GET A LIFE! The Diaries of Vivienne Westwood


To see more of my photos from Peru visit Portraits of the Disappearing Amazon


About the Author

Alicia Fox is a professional portrait, travel, fashion and NGO photographer. She lives in Crescent Head NSW, working locally and internationally with ethically focused organisations to create beautiful photographs.