My Feature in Muse Magazine
April 23, 2018
Eco Photography, Ethical Photography, Humanitarian Photography, NGO photography, Peru, South America Photos, Travel Photography, Wellness Photographer
tags: Articles & Publications, australian photographer, australian travel photographer, crescent head photographer, eco photographer, eco photographer australia, ethical photography, humanitarian photographer, latin america, Mid North Coast Photographer, ngo photographer, NGO Photography, photographer mid north coast, photographer port Macquarie, sunbounce photographer, sustainability expert, sustainable business australia, sustainable photographer, sydney portrait photographer
Photography at Birpai Centre Port Macquarie
October 05, 2017
Eco Photography, Ethical Photography, Humanitarian Photography, NGO photography, Port Macquarie
tags: aboriginal australia, aboriginal dance, australian culture, biripai, birpai council, birpai photos, conference photography, crescent head photographer, event photographer kempsey, event photographer port macquarie, event photography, indigenous australia, kempsey photographer, nfp photographer, nfp photographer australia, ngo photographer, NGO Photography, photographer aboriginal dance, photographer port Macquarie, photography kempsey, Port Macquarie Photographer

NGO Photography in PNG
March 10, 2016
Eco Photography, Ethical Photography, Humanitarian Photography, NGO photography, portrait, Travel Photography, Writing
tags: conservation ngo, cool earth, cool earth projects, gadaisu, ngo photographer, NGO Photography, papua new guinea, people in papua new guinea, Photographer in Papua New Guinea NGO Photographer in PNG, Photos of Milne Bay, photos of papua new guinea, Photos of PNG, png, PNG portraits, png village, portrait photographer, portrait photography, save the rainforest, Travel Photographer in PNG, wabumari

Editorial Photography – Salvation Army Magazine
December 18, 2015
Ethical Photography, NGO photography, Port Macquarie, portrait
tags: charity photographer, charity photography, dance classes, down syndrome, down syndrome dancers, good news story, humanitarian photographer, humanitarian photographer australia, humanitarian photographer nsw, nfp photographer, nfp photography, ngo photographer, NGO Photography, not for profit photographer, photographer kempsey, photographer mid north coast, photographer port Macquarie, photography south west rocks, port macquarie dance, Port Macquarie Photographer, port macquarie photography, portrait photographer, salvation army, the salvation army, the salvos, the salvos port macquarie

NGO Photography in Nicaragua – An Excerpt From My Book
July 15, 2013
tags: 3 years in Latin America, Australian, australian photographer, documentary, granada, granada nicaragua, humanitarian photographer, humanitarian photography, indigenous photographer, latin america, nfp, nfp photographer, ngo, ngo photographer, NGO Photography, nicaragua, Nicaragua nfp, Nicaragua ngo, Nicaragua not for profit, nicaragua photos, non profit, non profit photographer, not for profit, not for profit photographer, photo documentary, portrait photographer, spanish speaking, sydney humanitarian photographer, Sydney people photographer, sydney photographer, sydney portrait photographer, travel book, travel photographer, travel story, volunteer granada Nicaragua

NPO Photography in Latin America
December 23, 2011
Articles, Central America, NGO photography, Nicaragua, Peru, Photography Tips, South America Photos, Travel Photography, Volunteering Latin America
tags: eos camera, eos magazine, freelance travel photographer, how to take photos for ngos, ngo photographer, ngo photographer south america, NGO Photography, ngo photography central america, NGO Photography in Latin America, ngo photography peru, ngo photos, ngo photos peru, nicaragua photos, npo photography, NPO Photography in Latin America, photographing for ngos, travel photographer, travel writer and photographer, volunteer central america, volunteer in nicaragua, volunteer in peru, volunteer nicaragua, volunteer peru, Volunteer South America, volunteering in central america, volunteering in south america
A Special Story
December 23, 2011
Articles, Central America, NGO photography, Nicaragua, portrait, Travel Photography
tags: black and white portrait, charity in nicaragua, ngo in nicaragua, ngo nicaragua, NGO photo, ngo photographer, NGO Photographer Central America, NGO photographer Nicaragua, NGO Photography, ngos in nicaragua, nicaraguan portraits, nps in nicaragua, opportunity international, photos of nicaragua, portrait photography, portraits from nicaragua, portraits of nicaragua, Travel Photography
Recycling around the World
March 24, 2010
Travel Photography
tags: NGO Photography, Portraits, South America, Travel Photography
ACJ (YMCA) Project in Peru
February 26, 2010
Articles, Peru, portrait, Travel Photography, Volunteering Latin America
tags: NGO Photography, Photoblog, South America, Travel Photography
New Skate Ramp in the Village
February 25, 2010
Peru, portrait, Travel Photography, Volunteering Latin America
tags: NGO Photography, Photoblog, South America, Travel Photography
Slaughtered Dolphins in Peru
January 10, 2010
Peru, surfing, Travel Photography, Volunteering Latin America
tags: NGO Photography, Photoblog, South America, surfing, Travel Photography