My Amazon Portraits Featured
September 11, 2013
Central America, Humanitarian Photography, NGO photography, Peru, portrait, South America Photos, Travel Photography, Volunteering Latin America
tags: amazon children, amazon photographer, amazon portraits, amazon tribe photos, australian eco photographer, australian humanitarian photographer, australian photographer, australian travel photographer, eco photographer, eco photographer australia, ethical photographer, ethical photographer australia, humanitarian photographer, humanitarian photographer australia, indigenous children, indigenous photographer australia, indigenous photos, inspiring story, ngo photographer australia, photography that matters, portrait photographer, sydney eco photographer, sydney humanitarian photographer, sydney ngo photographer, sydney portrait photographer, sydney travel photographer, travel photographer, travel photographer Australia, travel photos, tribal photos, tribe photographer australia, tribe photographer sydney, tribe photos

NGO Photography in Nicaragua – An Excerpt From My Book
July 15, 2013
tags: 3 years in Latin America, Australian, australian photographer, documentary, granada, granada nicaragua, humanitarian photographer, humanitarian photography, indigenous photographer, latin america, nfp, nfp photographer, ngo, ngo photographer, NGO Photography, nicaragua, Nicaragua nfp, Nicaragua ngo, Nicaragua not for profit, nicaragua photos, non profit, non profit photographer, not for profit, not for profit photographer, photo documentary, portrait photographer, spanish speaking, sydney humanitarian photographer, Sydney people photographer, sydney photographer, sydney portrait photographer, travel book, travel photographer, travel story, volunteer granada Nicaragua

Sydney Photographer – New In Town
May 26, 2013
Fashion, Humanitarian Photography, NGO photography
tags: bohemian, bohemian fashion, boho fashion, ethical photography, photographer, sydney based photographer, sydney eco photographer, sydney fashion photographer, sydney humanitarian photographer, sydney photographer, sydney portrait photographer, sydney travel photographer

Cuba Photo Essay
June 19, 2012
Central America, portrait, Travel Photography
tags: cuba documentary photographer, cuba documentary photos, cuban people, cuban photos, cubans, documentary photographer australia, la habana, la habana cuba, men in Cuba, nsw magazine photographer, nsw photographer, photos of cuba, photos of cubans, photos of havana cuba, photos of old havana cuba, poor people in cuba, poor people in havana, portraits of cuba, portraits of havana, slums of cuba, street photographer, street photographer cuba, street photographer havana, streets of cuba, sydney documentary photographer, sydney humanitarian photographer, sydney magazine photographer, sydney portrait photographer, travel photographer, travel photographer Australia, travel photographer nsw, travel photographer sydney, travel photography cuba

Women Weavers in Guatemala
April 17, 2012
Central America, NGO photography, portrait, Travel Photography, Volunteering Latin America
tags: arts and crafts, australian humanitarian photographer, australian travel photographer, guatemala crafts, guatemala handicrafts, guatemala photos, guatemala portraits, guatemala women photo, guatemalan photos, guatemalan portraits, guatemalan weaving, humanitarian photographer, maya guatemala photo, maya photo, maya portrait, melbourne travel photographer, ngo photos guatemala, ngo san pedro la laguna, photo of weaver, photographer guatemala, photos of weavers, professional photographer south america, sydney humanitarian photographer, sydney travel photographer, traditional guatemala, traditional guatemala photos, travel photographer, vision guatemala, volunteer lake atitlan, volunteering guatemala, volunteering san pedro, weaving photos