Surbala is a resort wear label founded by Neha, a charming fashion designer from India.  Neha sources artisans from her home country, who handmake Surbala’s collections, employing traditional Indian techniques.  When I first met Neha to plan our fashion shoot, I could instantly see the great passion she has for her work, and through talking with her, it was obvious that she goes to great lengths to ensure that each Surbala piece is made with love and care. I appreciate the way she works so much that I asked Neha to share a bit about Surbala, with my blog readers. Me: What does “Surbala” mean? Neha: I came across the word Surbala when as a student, I first read acclaimed Indian poet Shri Makhan Lal Chaturvedi’s famous Hindi poem “Pushp ki Abhilasha“ (means the aspirations of a flower).  He mentions the word Surbala that refers to a beautiful woman. In Hindi, technically SUR means a musical note & BALA means a young woman. The word Surbala stuck by me for a long time. And when I was thinking of naming my clothing label, I couldn’t think of more suitable name as I see my clients as beautiful and perfect ladies. […] Read More